My Sheff Sims Legacy

Welcome to this new challenge! I am actually very excited to start this challenge! I was reading through Mojo’s play of this challenge (which you can read here if you would like) and reviewed the rules and it just seemed so very fun and different. So, when I decided to start the Achievement Insanity Project it was one of the first challenges I knew I wanted to play as a part of that.

The rules that I will be following will be linked above. Like all the families in the project, they will be played for two weeks at a time ending on the second Sunday at 4 AM. Each of these rounds will include a single season (thus having each season in action for 2 weeks.) As far as I know, nothing will be changing with the ruleset of the challenge itself except for that. I hope you will enjoy this challenge, and even though it’s a part of the Achievement Insanity Project, you do not need to read all those challenges to enjoy this one. This will be its own story with this specific family for you to follow if you would like.

For any additional specific information regarding the actual setup and rules of the neighborhood this challenge is set up in, you can visit the Achievement Insanity Project home page linked above. I hope you enjoy following me with this challenge!

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